SFB 1032: Nanoagents for Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular and Cellular Reactions

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Dataquest Online Workshop

01.05.2021 – 31.12.2021

SFB1032 members can now get free access to the Data Science online self-learning platform Dataquest.

Dataquest is an online platform offering data science courses in 3 different languages (Python, SQL, R) for different skill and career paths.
With 1 million learners, it is the #1 rated data skills learning platform, offering a multitude of courses.

If you are interested in using Dataquest, please send me a message. I will add your name and e-mail to the virtual Dataquest classroom. You will then receive an invitation mail from Dataquest with a login link. Once logged-in, you can choose your personal course(s) according to your needs.

Please note that this access is only valid until the end of this year.